Category: Investing

  • How much sooner can the average Australian retire through investment?

    To answer this question, we can use our previously created ‘years to retirement’ function, which calculates how many years it would take to build an investment, such that the interest alone would cover our yearly living cost.[source] The function requires 4 variables: retirement living costs, monthly investment amount, investment performance, and initial investment amount. We…

  • Retirement

    To begin investing, we first need to understand what we are working towards. We know that the ultimate end-goal is an early retirement. But what does retirement mean? And when does it occur? The most common consensus is that at 65, you would have saved enough money which will last until you die. Quite literally,…

  • Investing

    The goal of investing is to reach an early retirement. A typical retirement takes 40 years to achieve. Investing can allow the average person to retire more than an entire decade earlier, potentially multiple decades depending on individual circumstance.[source] Think of an investment as an amount of money which generates its own wealth. The more…