Creating New Pages#

Adding a new page#

To add a new page beyond our home page, simply create a new .md file with some arbitrary name in the source/ folder.

For example, I may want to create a page about creating a website, so I will add the file into the source/ folder, which now looks like this:

├── _images/
├── _templates/

When running the previously mentioned make clean && make build command, a corresponding file named website-tutorial.html will be generated in the build/html/ folder.

You can add as many .md files as you want to the source/ folder, which will all generate a corresponding .html file when running make clean && make build.

Creating folders to organise your files#

You can also add custom folders to better organise your files. For example, if I want to add images to my file and don’t want to bloat my general _images/ folder, I may do the following to better organise my folder:

├── _images/
├── _templates/
├── website-tutorial/
│   ├── images/
│   │   └── example.png
│   └──

Of course this is all optional, and you are free to have a chaotic website folder if that suits you best.